Data Recovery

Are you unable to run some of your programs?

Are you unable to start Windows?

Are some of your folders empty that should be full of files?

Are you unable to access files on a CD, DVD, floppy disk, flashcard, or memory stick.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, some your data is probably missing or corrupt.

A data loss situation is usually characterized by the sudden inability to access data involving a previously functioning computer system. This may be caused by a virus that deleted data or reformatted partitions.

If you receive the following error message “Missing Operating System”, it usually indicates that a virus has infected your master boot record or partition table. In some cases it may be caused by a bad CMOS battery that defaulted your BIOS setting.

In some cases, data loss is due to a bad CD, DVD, floppy, flashcard, memory stick, or a failing hard drive. Most hard drives will emit a light mechanical hum that a user may notice under normal operation. An indication of impending failure is when the normal sound changes to louder ticking or grinding noises. This symptom may precede actual data access problems as the hard drive utilizes spare sectors.

Other forms of data loss include accidental deletion of data, accidental reformatting of partitions, and sabotage.

Firstrangesolutions has the tools and knowledge to recover your data even if the hard drive's partition table, boot record, FAT/MTF, or root directory is lost or damaged.

Firstrangesolutions can restore all file types that was lost due to a virus attack, a power failure that caused a system crash, files that were lost due to a software failure, files that were accidentally deleted, or if the drive was formatted.

Supported file systems:

· FAT 12

· FAT 16

· FAT 32



Supported drive types:

· IDE hard disk

· SCSI hard disk




· Flash card

Call us anytime; we are available to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Tips And Suggestions

Data Loss Prevention And Recovery

Data Loss Prevention

Avoid moving or bumping your computer, especially when it is powered on, this will prevent hard drive crashes.

Protect your computer against power surges with a power surge protector or better yet, with an uninterruptible power supply.

Back up important data regularly. If your hard drive fails, you can restore your data to a new hard drive.

Turn off your computer when not in use. Besides the risk of power surges, an earthquake can shake you computer that might cause a hard drive crash.

Avoid operating your computer in extreme temperatures or high humidity.

Install anti-virus software on your computer. This will help protect your computer from viruses that might delete your data.

Install firewall software to block worms that might try to delete your data.

Data Recovery

If your computer will not power up, reseat the power cable going to the hard drive.

If your computer will not power up, reseat both ends of the data cable.

If your computer will not power up, try plugging the data cable into the secondary controller.

If you receive the following error message “Missing Operating System”, check your floppy drive or CD/DVD drive, your computer may be trying to boot from these drives rather than your hard drive.

If you hear your hard drive making very unusual noises, turn off the computer immediately. The noise is probably due to a hard drive crash.

Do not run Scandisk to fix data loss situations, as this may cause some of the sectors to be non-recoverable.

Do not copy or move any files to the hard drive containing your lost data. This may overwrite the lost data.