Data Backup

How often do you backup your data on your computer?

If your computer was damaged or stolen, would you lose valuable data?

How would you replace your family photos, documents, and email address book?

Hard drives do not last forever; eventually your hard drive will fail, are you prepared?

For most companies, data is your most valuable asset. According to the National Archives and Records Administration (US), 93% of companies that lost their data for ten days or more declared bankruptcy within a year and 50% of those businesses that were without data management for 10 days, filed for bankruptcy immediately.

Ask yourself what kind of shape your business would be in if you were to lose all of your data including your customer records, your accounts receivable, payroll records, vendor records, and even the software you use to run the business.

Firstrangesolutions can recommend and implement a backup strategy tailored to suit your needs.

Call us anytime; we are available to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Tips And Suggestions

Data Backup Strategy

Make data backups a part of your normal scheduled. Your backup schedule is usually determined by how often your data changes.

Generally, perform a full backup at least once a month and a incremental backup every day.

It is a good idea to have at least two different backups of your data. Store one backup onsite and the other backup offsite or online.

Many businesses keep their onsite backups in a fire resistance safe and their offsite backups in a security box at a bank.

Test your data backups periodically by trying to restore your data on a test computer or server.